Friday, December 31, 2010

Snow in Apache Junction

Yes, it actually snowed in Apache Junction on 12-30-10 Michelle and I had stopped at Circle K for a POP, and when she came out it was snowing, we ran home to get camera and of course it was not snowing at my house, so we jumped back in the car and headed toward Canyon Lake to try and catch the dark clouds, they kept moving and we never actually caught back up to the snow, But it was beautiful and gorgeous. Snow in Apache Junction what a great end to the year.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa came to town

Donald got to play Santa for our Home Teachers family o Christmas Eve. Does he not make a cute Santa. He is so jolly and he has the perfect look for Santa

Christmas 2010

Had a great day spending time with family and playing games. Picked up grandma Hall and brought her over for dinner and the afternoon. Merry Christmas everyone

Christmas Eve 2010

We decided that those that could be there to spend some time with Grandma Hall were to meet at Golden Corral on Power and McKellips at 3:45 The plan was to pay for lunch and stay for dinner at 4:00. Boy were we fooled. They closed the doors 4:00 so we only had the food that was available. But at least they let us stay and eat and spend time together we were the last ones out. Grandma Hall was good that night and seemed to love every minute of her time with her family. It was a good evening